30 Day Vegan Challenge; Day One

A Vegan’s Life

vegans1Ok so I’ve decided to go completely vegan for 30 days! I may stay a vegan or I may not. The truth is I want to see how eating this way makes me feel. First I fasted for 10 days and now this. The fact is Vegan food fascinates me. I love how vegan recipes transform grains, beans, nuts, vegetable and fruits into something you never knew they could be. Mayo out of beets, a rich and creamy cheese cake out of cashews and hamburgers out of practically anything and it all tastes delicious. Plus its good for you.

Don’t get me wrong I think meat is good too, and I think is has its place on the food pyramid, however I think everyone has a different pyramid all together. Everyone is different, therefore  we  should all eat differently. Some people thrive off of a high animal protein diets and others do not. The bottom line is the more we learn to listen to our bodies the more it talks to us. So I’m listening.

When I eat a high animal protein meal I don’t feel great after. It doesn’t fuel me the way it fuels other people. Most of the time I want to go to bed right after, or I get incredibly full and bloated (the same thing happens when I eat wheat). If I have dairy of any kind don’t come next to me, because I will fart you into next week. Animal products rarely make me feel AMAZING, the way I think food should make you feel. I think food should fuel you and propel you into your day.


Food should never hinder you, and when it does that is a huge sign you need to change something.

Over the next 30 days I will be sharing my experiences as a vegan; recipes, restaurants, emotions and the people I meet along the way.

I am excited to make vegan cooking, eating, and entertaining apart of my life, and  I can’t wait to put my own twist on how we prepare the fuel the moves us.

If you are one of those people who thinks all vegans eat are salads, I am here to show you that there are more to vegans then just lettuce.

Follow me on my journey toward becoming a vegan.


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